We want a baby
A couple’s monthly struggle to get pregnant and have a family.
Each month gets harder and harder, while all of their
friends have a family, they are the last ones.
Time is ticking in life, what if they don’t have a family, are they enough for each other?
We want a baby
Directors statement:
One of the main reasons I want to make this film with the Fertility Foundation charity is that I never see or hear of anything like this on any social platform.
Where does a couple go when they are going through this? Why is there no real help for struggling couples who desperately want to have a family. It is a lonely and heart breaking journey that I feel is important to share.
The ending will be of hope and options. Provided by The Fertility Foundation charity.
I’m delighted that I’ve casted actor Mecia Simson in
the lead female. English actress known
for her role as Francesca Findabair in the Netflix
series The Witcher.
Male lead Chuka Modu. He is known for his
roles Captain Marvel and Game of Thrones.
Subjected to feature movie filming.

The film will take influence from The Lost Daughter and TV series Normal People,
whereby scenes are drawn out to allow the emotion
being felt to be honoured, nothing is to be rushed in
the scenes. The tension and awkwardness is
something I want to explore. The action will unfold
naturally and uninterrupted and force audiences to
confront the scene in front of them.
Each scene will allow the action to play out, with
extended emotion. In order to reflect the true sadness
of the story, we have to make our audience endure
the day in the same way the couple does. We have to feel the passing of time in order to truly empathise
with their sadness and frustration.
The film will be shot on S16mm to complement the rawness and authenticity,

Closing statement:
This is a film that is very close to my heart and one I
passionately want to make.
The fertility charity 'Fertility Foundation' helps couples emotionally and financially to have treatments to help couples get pregnant, which are incredibly expensive..
I think a film like this is so important as we need more
stories like this and I think it has real potential to
connect with audiences.
I’ve got a super-talented team ready to make it
happen. I can’t wait to share with audiences around
the world.