Silhouette Man
Silhouette Man is a short Horror film about a man who awakes tied to a chair in a strange abandoned room. Can he escape and why is he here?
Silhouette Man will be made by local filmmakers in Northampton all in one location. James Ryan is directing and Amii Dawes is producing, casting has already begun. We also have a confirmed location to shoot.
Silhouette Man

Silhouette Man is a short Horror film about a man who awakes tied to a chair in a strange abandoned room. Can he escape and why is he here?
Silhouette Man will be made by local filmmakers in Northampton all in one location. James Ryan is directing and Amii Dawes is producing, casting has already begun. We also have a confirmed location to shoot.

We love horror!
We have a passion for it and we believe Sihouette Man has the potential to be so much more!
The characters are interesting and complex and we think this story could have you on the edge of your seat. Once completed we will be entering Silhouette Man into a number of film festivals.
We also believe this short has the potential to be developed further into a full feature and this short will serve as a concept for that.
You could possibly be a part of the next big horror franchise!

Our score will be created by our very own producer Amii Dawes. Amii will also be recording our audio on the day of the shoot and will be in charge of everything sound-related, From foley to the final sound mix.
Below is a small taste of the type of style we will be going for.

Our biggest challenge is paying our cast and crew and the costs of hiring equipment.
We also have to think about the safety of the cast and crew which is why all cast and crew will be tested for COVID-19 before the day of shooting. We will also be abiding by all COVID-19 safety procedures and everyone will be taking the Screenskills Coronavirus basic awareness on production training.
Which can be found here: https://www.screenskills.com/online-learning/learning-modules/coronavir…

Our SFX & Makeup will be created by the wonderful Martha Haynes. As you can see above from her previous work she's very talented and eager to get to work on making this project super realistic and as grim as possible!

Your money will help us pay for the following:
- Cast & Crew
- Catering
- Costumes
- Make-up
- Props
- A DOP and equipment

Thank you for checking out our campaign!
As you can imagine any help counts towards making this possible so please feel free to check out our rewards, and if you would like to help out any way you can contact us through our Social media pages.

Thank You, You did it!
Wow you did it! Thank you all so much!