A mother forced to flee from her abusive partner with her daughter finds short-lived refuge, until she is unwittingly tracked down, with dire consequences.
In February 2020 we raised enough money from our generous donors here on Greenlit to make the film. We shot it last year on the beautiful Isle of Man with all the support from friends that we made along the way. Now we want to take the film out and give it the distribution it deserves. We are looking to raise money to cover an extensive and strategic approach. But festivals and strategies need money and we are looking to raise this final amount that will enable us to submit the film to international festivals, organise screenings and panels to debate the issues the film raises and facilitate an attendance where necessary to promote the film.
We are delighted to be working with Rebekah Louise Smith AKA The Festival Doctor to pave the way for the film out into the world.
The saying goes it take a village to bring up a child. In our case it took an island to make the film. The efforts of everyone who campaigned and donated to our original fund; the bountiful hospitality we received from the people on the isle of Man; the Isle of Man Arts Council and the Wish foundation made this work happen. The tireless efforts of the whole team that braved the storms and the cold to make this film was humbling. For those few days we were family, and this feeling stayed well after we wrapped.
The film was completed early January 2021 and the response from the festival circuit has been amazing. As anyone who makes films knows, getting a film in any festival is a massive achievement and we are very proud to have been selected and to already have been awarded winners by festivals that only screen the winning films. So thank you! But now we need help to push this film more. So please helps us share this powerful story, with stellar performances, breathtaking cinematography and beguiling original composition.