Young Artist Pygmalion’s sense of love and sanity are forever changed after he is issued a challenge by Aphrodite herself: To draw a painting of her that showcases true beauty.

Pygmalion, a young artist desperate to make a mark on this world is visited one day by the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite and challenged to paint her to prove that there is beauty and depth to his paintings. What follows is a gruelling game of psychological torture, as Aphrodite pokes at all of Pygmalion’s insecurities. As Pygmalion begins to lose his sense of self, he begins to fall in love with his own portrait of Aphrodite and identity it as its own seperate being, one which he names Galatea.

Alex Sepulveda is a Mexican filmmaker. Born and raised in Mexico City, Alex graduated High School with an IB Diploma and full bilingual proficiency (Spanish and English). In 2021 Alex moved to London where he set out to earn his BA in Practical Filmmaking at MetFilm School. At Met, Alex has expanded his abilities and fine-tuned his abilities as a writer, director and 1st AD. Alex has worked on various student productions; ADing in four shorts and a three-episode series, and directing a feature film. In 2024 Alex will move to Vancouver to do a postgrad at Vancouver Film School to finish refining his craft.

Director of Photography:
Lia Charalambous is a British Cypriot freelance Cinematographer based in London. She is currently in the final year of her undergraduate degree at MetFilm School. Whilst having just shot her first feature film as DIrector of Photography, she is currently working on a number of graduation projects within the HoD role.
She has had great successes in the past, with several short films she has worked on being screened at festivals.
Lia found her passion for cinematography at a young age through her love for photography. She loves evoking emotional connection throguh purposeful storytelling that captures audiences in powerful and engaging ways.
Galatea stood out to Lia from the very beginning due to the story being inpired by Greek mythology as having lived in Cyprus for 12 years of her life and Aprodite being her favourite Greek God she immediately wanted to be involved and have work on something that links her to back home. She is eager to visually tell this story and will be bringing on her knowledge from prior experiences.
Jashan Doshi is an Indian-Taiwanese filmmaker who recently found his passion as a Film Producer. His debut as a Producer with a TV series and has recently made his first Feature Film "Upside Down Rabbits". Today, Jashan is working towards further developing his skills as a Producer and being a better creative.
"Galatea is a story I am deeply passionate about, I never thought I would have be able work with a character such as Pygmalion and to bring that personality and seeing a modern day adaptation is marvellous" - Jashan Doshi

Cast and crew - £2,000
Location - £1,500
Prod. Design - £2,500
Costume and MUA - £1,000
External Kit - £1,250
Post Production - £2,000
Contingency - £1000
Total: 12,250

Diamond: (£500+)
• Exclusive invite to wrap up party with cast & crew
• Become an Executive Producer
Platinum: (£250+)
• Become an Associate Producer
• Special thank you video
Gold: (£150+)
• Physical copy of poster signed by Cast and Key Creatives
Silver: (£75+)
• Behind The Scenes access
• Social media shout out
Bronze: (£50+)
• Digital Poster
• Special thanks in credits