
'Fallacies' is a comedy short film. This idea behind this stemmed from an anthology series that I would like to create where each episode is based on an ‘old wives tale’ or superstition and essentially playing it as the reality of the world. This film is based off the superstition/tale that ‘carrots can improve your eyesight’.

raised of £1,500.00 goal
30 Backers
Seeking funding for
Campaign type
Flexible Funding
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    Seeking funding for
    Campaign type
    Flexible Funding

    Logline: In a world where carrots are illegal a young man losing his sight, seeks to find a cure, leading him to see more than he could have ever wished.


    Fallacies is a comedy film based off the tale that carrots can improve your vision or help you see in the dark. We follow the journey of the protagonist Lewis, loosing his sight until his encounter with a highly illegal and addictive root vegetable called Carrots. This substance causes him to see more then he ever should and we watch this unfold as it also affects his relationship with his girlfriend Robin. 

    Genre: Comedy/Satire/Drama/Speculative Fiction/Urban Fantasy

    Style: Surreal/heightened reality/absurdist

    Themes: Old wives tales, superstition, abusing power, addiction, relationships and human connections

    Director Statement 

    Fallacies invites viewers to imagine mystical realities that chime with their own lives. This universal concept of old wives tales, cautionary tales and superstition differ between every family. My household had conflicting views on superstition; my father believing in all superstition and my mother’s total disbelief. By exploring various superstitions through satire, I hope to reconcile and challenge both skeptics and believers.

    The rationale behind this stems from my experience growing up, where I was told all sorts of cautionary tales but the most resonant was that if I ate my carrots it would allow me to see in the dark. Therefore, the world of the film, a place where carrots are made illegal due to their magical powers, allows us to encapsulate the world through the eyes of a child who would believe these tales. Comedy is a wonderful source of escapism and I strongly believe ‘Fallacies’ offers an absurd and comedic world designed from someones imagination where there are no rules and anything is possible.

    Our Budget

    We are so grateful for any donation to help us support the production of 'Fallacies'. This money will go towards post-production and film festival submissions to provide the film with a platform that will gain exposure and reach a wider audience.

    Meet the crew 

    Joy (she/her) - DIRECTOR

    Joy is a British director born and raised in London. During her undergraduate degree in Theatre and Performance at the University of Leeds, she has built up her visual storytelling skills from directing and producing multiple student theatre productions. Joy’s acting experience enabled her deep interest in comedy and the importance of comedic timing aswell as understanding the importance of human connections and how humour plays into the human condition. Currently undertaking her MA in Directing with MetFilm School at Ealing Studios, she strives to pursue a career within the screen industry, telling important stories, keeping viewers entertained and making people laugh. As an emerging filmmaker, she hopes ‘Fallacies’ will be the start of a meaningful and inspired career within the film industry.

    Alexander León (he/him) - PRODUCER 

    Alexander León (aka carrot boy) is a Mexican film producer currently pursuing a Master's degree in Producing at MetFilm School in London. He has experience curating short films, music videos, documentaries, and commercials. Alexander is deeply passionate about comedy, and through his work, he seeks to express himself as a creative visual storyteller. 

    Umang Shrivastava (he/him) -  DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY 

    Umang is an Indian Cinematographer currently pursuing an MA in Cinematography at MetFilm School, London. His journey as a visual storyteller started when he first completed his Masters in photography back in India and after that, slowly shifted his interest in cinematography. Umang has worked as a DOP in short films, commercials, automobile journalism, and music videos. He loves comedy as a genre because dad jokes have been a part of his character since he was a teenager (don’t worry ‘Fallacies’ is not written by him), but jokes aside he knows the importance of comedy in everyone’s life, and is keen on making this short film a visual treat for everybody.

    raised of £1,500.00 goal
    30 Backers
    Eternal gratitude!
    Give carrot boy a promotion
    A digital copy of the script

    (digital copy will be sent after festival run)

    A digital copy of the film

    (digital copy will be sent after festival run)

    Thank you credit and a digital copy of the film

    (digital copy will be sent after festival run)

    Carrot costume and thank you credit

    This costume will be used in the film!

    (1 remaining out of 1)
    Thank you video from the cast/crew
    Thank you video from the cast/crew and thank you credit
    Executive producer credit and a thank you video from cast/crew